2 sept 2011


All glass containers for food and beverages can be recycled, but it is important not to mix bottles with other types of glass such as windows, mirrors, table glass, Pyrex or auto glass. Ceramics contaminate glass and should be carefully trimmed.

To recycle is not necessary to remove labels. Just rinse glass containers to prevent odors. Unlike plastic, the high temperature processing of glass and metal contamination removed easily.

Most of the glass recovered is used in new glass containers. There is some also used in fiberglass

Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours.  

Tetra pack recycling :D

Tetra pack recycling

The material which is composed of tetra pack packaging is fully recyclable so in many countries, there are public deposits containers used to collect and carry out recycling. Home The procedure consists of:

   1. Fully open side of the container
   2. Rinse

   3. Allow to dry (drain)
   4. Store, as you have enough
   5. Flatten and tie
   6. Placed in public repositories.

Interestingly (:

Wheels, Tires

The old tires, those who switched to cars when they no longer serve, and we usually see them burned in any event, could have a new and better use. In Mexico took the first step and created the "llancreto", a mixture of waste tires and concrete. And used it to pave a street, they say, can last 20 years with minimal maintenance and safety average. The new technique promises to solve the problem of recycling of this highly polluting. The street in question is located in the municipality of San Pedro Garza Garcia, a suburb of the northern city of Monterrey.

For the preparation is used about 200 cubic meters of concrete and a disposable rubber 2800, ie 14 per cubic meter. The project was supported by the cement company Cemex. This is the first street to be paved with this technique, but the Mexican Environment Secretary Alberto Cardenas said that this method is part of a pilot scheme that could spread to other parts of the country. In addition, Cárdenas expected to "llancreto" can be used for rough use, ie for highly trafficked avenues that support heavy truck traffic. The concrete was perfected after several years of research resulting in a durable, safe and promotes sustainable development, according to Secretary Cárdenas.

26 ago 2011

Top 5 Car Companies That are Helping the Environment

I was looking for companies that are interested to help the enviroment and I found this link that talks about car companies that are interested in the planet.

Earth ♥

Earth, our planet is a wonderful blue and white ball when seenfrom space. It is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the inner planets. Earth is the only planet we know has life andliquid water on its surface. We live in it, not waste it! We put on our planet love 

Nohe Romero ♥

Air pollution

Astronauts returning from his travels with a new mindset that makes them feel more respect for the Earth and understand the need for care.

Since space does not see borders, much less the economic interests, but some of its devastating effects, such as pollution of the atmosphere.

85% of the air is close to Earth in the tropospherea thin layer ofonly 15 km higher layers of the atmosphere have little air, but protect us from UV (ozone layerand meteorites (ionosphere).

The gases that we release into the atmosphere have left Earth in a dreadful state. The photos were the first astronauts are much clearer than at present, although we now have more sophisticated equipmentHumans are capable of destroying in a short time which in nature has taken thousands of years to create.

Nohe Romero ♥

Increasingly more and more to destroy our Mother Earth ... Be aware of the damage we are causing and act!


Nohe Romero ♥

15 ago 2011

Save your planet ♥

Watch this video ;)

Nohe Romero ♥

Environment :D

Global environmental problems highlight the destruction of the world's physical environment as well as the loss of ethical, aesthetic, cultural and moral dynamics are manifested in the systematic relationship between man and the environment. Education is one of the vital means to try to change the environmental situation on the planet, but at the same time, an issue that is of vital importance is how to educate about the environment. 

During recent years is common reference to global environmental problems, a term that refers to the phenomena of environmental degradation that affect the planet as a whole, beyond, regardless of their place of origin, such as the depletion layer ozone, global warming, soil erosion, desertification, freshwater shortages, loss of biodiversity, pollution of international waters, and the insufficient coverage of sanitation and drinking water. 

These problems highlight the destruction of the world's physical environment as well as the loss of ethical, aesthetic, cultural and moral dynamics are manifested in the systematic relationship between man and the environment. 

While education is one of the vital means to try to change the environmental situation on the planet at the same time, an issue that is of vital importance is how to educate about the environment.

Nohelia Romero ♥

12 ago 2011

Our environment ♥

Nohe Romero ♥

Please take care of our planet!

Fabiola Arce ♥

We live in a beautiful world ♥

Watch this video! Beautiful nature around us (: Do not waste it!

Nohelia Romero ♥

Simple Ways to Save the Environment :D

Why not resolve to plant some trees every year? If each of us plants one little tree, it can amount to a great amount of afforestation making the environment healthier. Increasing the use of bicycles or making a habit to walk down short distances can contribute to reduction in air pollution. Try to minimize the use of vehicles. Use CFC-free products. For some destinations, the use of vehicles has no better options. But at least maintain your vehicles; clean their exhaust pipes, keep the pollution they cause under strict control.

Look at the gadgets you use at home. Are all of them necessary? Do you maintain them well and use them efficiently? Replace the air filters for your air conditioning unit once a month. Turn off the ACs as also the lights and fans in unused rooms. Make sure to switch off the lights, the television or radio systems before you leave the house. Do not keep your computer switched on while you are not using it. Did you know that your refrigerator and water heaters consume a lot of power? A careful use of these gadgets is a good way to save the electricity.

One of the most important constituents of the environment is water. Preventing the wastage of water and curbing water pollution is one of our primary duties. Turn off the taps; do not let the buckets overflow! The use of bath showers and heavy-flushes in toilets leads to an excessive usage of water. Do not dump garbage down a storm drain. Do not pollute water bodies.

Recycling is one of the best measures of saving the environment. Try to use renewable sources of energy. Resort to the use of renewable natural resources. A simple way to do this is to lessen the use of rubber and plastic. Instead, use paper bags and cardboard containers. Even a simple habit of buying in bulk can save a lot of packaging material, thus contributing to saving the environment. Buy the products that you can reuse.

When in office, print only when it is absolutely necessary. Printing every soft copy leads to a heavy wastage of paper. Remember to switch off your computer when no one is using it. Avoid an excessive use of air conditioners in the office. Use emails instead of paper correspondence. Do not use disposable cups when you have an option of using the ceramic ones.

Minimize the use of animal products, which involve their killing. Animal fur and ivory are some of the excessively used products that are gradually leading to the extinction of the animals that provide them. Resolve not to hunt animals. Follow the principles of saving the environment and encourage others in taking to environment-saving activities.

Activities like composting can be of great help in recycling of garbage into useful manures. Avoid an extensive use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic nutrients. Natural manures are a better option for farms and gardens.

These are some of the simple ways in which we can contribute towards saving nature. A small step by each of us can make a huge leap towards saving the environment.

Nohelia Romero ♥

Top 10 things you can do to reduce global warming

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
3. Change a Light Bulb
4. Drive Less and Drive Smart
5. Buy Energy-Efficient Products
6. Use Less Hot Water
7. Use the "Off" Switch
8. Plant a Tree
9. Get a Report Card from Your Utility Company
10. Encourage Others to Conserve

Here you can see more specific information about this: http://environment.about.com/od/globalwarming/tp/globalwarmtips.htm

Fabiola Arce ♥